The Ultimate Guide to Inspire Therapy for Apnea

The Ultimate Guide to Inspire Therapy for Apnea

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Side effects from wearing a CPAP can often cause discomfort. Here’s how to handle common CPAP-related complaints:

Another therapy recently introduced is an oral negative pressure device (Winx® by Apnicure Inc). This deceive creates negative oral pressure keeping the tongue and soft palate in more anterior positions. A recent short-term randomized controlled trial demonstrated that the device is well tolerated and results in improved OSA in patients with mild to severe OSA.

The Inspire sleep apnea device is surgically implanted into the body, and CPAP treatment is administered through a mask that is worn while sleeping. CPAP equipment requires daily cleaning and regular maintenance.

Nasal mask. This mask will cover your face from the bridge of the nose to the top of your upper lip, creating a seal over your nose but not your mouth. The AAST recommends nasal masks for people who want a more conterraneo-feeling airflow than they’d get with nasal pillows.

If you’ve tried and tried to acclimate to your CPAP mask to pelo avail, it may be time to consider oral appliance therapy. With this method, patients wear an appliance that looks and feels similar to an athletic mouthguard while they sleep.

Further, even for those patients who are able to lose a significant amount of weight and maintain that weight loss over time, a follow up sleep study should be performed to assess for residual disease prior to discontinuing CPAP therapy.

In addition, it represented the first marketed oral appliance to treat moderate and severe OSA in adults, 18 years of age and older along with PAP and/or myofunctional therapy, as needed.

Both CPAP therapy and Inspire are used to treat obstructive sleep apnea, but CPAP is the standard treatment option.

Positional therapy: Some patients with OSA, only have significant sleep disordered breathing in the supine position. Thus, some clinicians may prescribe positional therapy to patients with less severe disease whose OSA occurs predominantly in the supine position. This treatment may be achieved though various interventions, such as tennis ball placed in the back of a nightshirt or through more formal devices that have been developed specifically for this purpose.

Inspire sleep apnea treatment is an implantable medical device used to treat obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). People with OSA have episodes of reduced or stopped airflow due to blockage in their upper airway.

Weight loss: OSA is associated with obesity and an elevated body mass index (BMI) is an independent risk factor for OSA in patients under the age of 60. Several studies have demonstrated that dietary weight loss is associated with significant improvements in OSA as measured by reductions in the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI)1. Unfortunately, as would be expected, most studies show that patients typically achieve only modest reductions in weight with diet and behavioral counseling with clinically significant residual OSA persisting in most patients.

Choose the Right Mask For Your Needs: If you’re using a nasal pillow or traditional CPAP nasal mask, you may find sinus relief by switching to a full face mask. If you’re already using a full face mask, switching to a hybrid mask may reduce pressure around your sinuses.

Clinical image of an overcrowded oropharynx secondary to tonsillar hypertrophy, lax palate and redundant pharyngeal mucosa.

Remind Yourself That You Are Safe: Claustrophobia often makes you feel like you can’t breathe. It’s important to remember that wearing breathable face coverings should not actually impact your ability to breathe website unless you have been diagnosed with significant lung disease.

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